вторник, 21 августа 2012 г.

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About Smoking Cessation

101 Things to Do Instead of Smoking

2012-08-10 18:59:33

As smokers, most of us thought we used cigarettes to control stress. In reality, smoking caused more anxiety than it dispelled, but we relied on our smoking habit to calm us down all the same.

101 Things to Do Instead of Smoking

Once we quit smoking, we need to learn new ways to cope with stress, starting with how to manage nicotine withdrawal. Though short-lived, withdrawal can be intense while it lasts, and stressful. However, with a little knowledge about what to expect and some tips for navigating the early days of your quit program, you'll be able to maintain control and stay smoke free.

Photo by Stockxpert

More Reading:

The work it takes to quit smoking is a small price to pay for the incredible benefits you'll enjoy once you're free of this killer of an addiction. Your life will be improved beyond your expectations!

101 Things to Do Instead of Smoking originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Thursday, August 9th, 2012 at 06:55:29.

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Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Quit Smoking?

2012-08-10 18:59:33

The discomforts that come with nicotine withdrawal can throw us for a loop, especially if we're not prepared for them.

Recently, a member at the About.com Smoking Cessation support forum asked why she felt dizzy during the first weeks of cessation.  She explained that it was not a constant state of lightheadedness, but enough to cause her to feel concerned.

Dizziness can be a symptom of nicotine withdrawal.  Let's take a look at possible causes and what you can do to about it.

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Quit Smoking?

More Reading:

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

10 Things You Can Do to Ease Nicotine Withdrawal

Photo © Stockxpert

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Quit Smoking? originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 at 06:00:29.

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Taking Back Control - Kevin's Story

2012-08-10 18:59:33

Most of us quit smoking thinking we'll fail. Nicotine addiction has a way of stealing our will to try before we've even given it a shot. However, with some determination, education, and a solid support network, this addiction can be overcome and freedom grasped. Kevin's story is a great example of that.

Taking Back Control -- Kevin's Story

Thank you for sharing your journey, Kevin.  Your story rings true and tells us that we do have what it takes to succeed with cessation...all of us.

Share Your Quit Story

More from Kevin:

Image © Kevin

Taking Back Control - Kevin's Story originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Friday, August 3rd, 2012 at 06:41:29.

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Ending the Slavery

2012-08-10 18:59:33

Measuring our progress during recovery can be tricky.  One day we feel great; cravings are lessening and we're motivated to put smoking behind us for good.  The next day can be a different story  -- thoughts of smoking creep in and we wonder if we'll ever truly break the chains that bind us to nicotine addiction.

Forum moderator Mic has done a beautiful job of describing how most of us heal from nicotine addiction.  Using the graph illustrated here, she explains how the journey to freedom unfolded for her and what you can expect as you move further away from that last cigarette you smoked.

More from Mic:

Image © Mic Boisvert

Ending the Slavery originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Monday, July 30th, 2012 at 05:55:27.

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The Seasons of Smoking Cessation< /a>

2012-08-10 18:59:33

The first time I quit smoking, I thought that if I could just get through the first two weeks, I'd be in the clear. I had so much to learn!

While it does take longer than that to clear out all of the associations we had with tobacco, the time it takes to heal from nicotine addiction is short when compared to the number of years most of us smoked.

The Seasons of Smoking Cessation

The first year of smoking cessation gives us the opportunity to experience nearly all of the activities and emotions in our daily lives that trigger thoughts of smoking.  And with a healthy mindset and the willingness to retrain our brains, that year is enough to putt smoking behind us for good.

More Reading:

Building the Mindset for Success

4 Steps to Halt the Urge to Smoke

The Seasons of Smoking Cessation originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Thursday, July 26th, 2012 at 13:09:27.

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Secondhand Smoke and Our Kids

2012-08-10 18:59:33

Children face risks greater than adults of the hazards associated with exposure to secondhand smoke.

From the threat of SIDS to respiratory ailments and developmental issues, secondhand smoke is dangerous for our children.

More Reading:

Photo © iStockphoto

Secondhand Smoke and Our Kids originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Monday, July 23rd, 2012 at 06:07:44.

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Recommit to Quit Smoking

2012-08-10 18:59:33

If your plan to quit smoking for New Years fell by the wayside, you're not alone. Most of us have trouble following through on our resolutions, but there's no need to wait until January first to get back on track.

Breathe new life into your commitment to stop smoking by following the links below.  They will help you get your priorities in order so that you can make this the year that you put nicotine addiction behind you  - permanently.

Image © iStockphoto

Recommit to Quit Smoking originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Friday, July 20th, 2012 at 06:38:55.

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Free of the Ball and Chain of Nicotine Addiction

2012-08-10 18:59:33

Over the years, nicotine addiction becomes a heavy load that we drag around with us, day in and day out.  Getting free of it takes some work, but the positives are precious and numerous, as you'll see in this selection of quit stories.

If you're still smoking, use these accounts as a springboard for action to put smoking in your past too, once and for all.

More Reading:

Image © iStockphoto

Free of the Ball and Chain of Nicotine Addiction originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 at 06:05:34.

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Craving Cigarettes Three Months After Quitting

2012-08-10 18:59:33

An About.com Smoking Cessation reader asks:

"I quit smoking cold turkey almost three months ago. I've had my ups and downs in that time, but feel like I've been making progress overall. However, in the last week or so, I've been thinking about smoking so much and it's getting worse. I know the nicotine is long gone from my body, but I swear I'm having cravings for a cigarette that feel just like nicotine withdrawal. Why is this happening to me, and will I always feel this way?"


Craving Cigarettes Three Months After Quitting originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 at 06:15:15.

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Reader Tips and Hints for Smoking Cessation

2012-08-10 18:59:33

Listening to the Voice of Experience....YOU

There is nothing more powerful than hearing from those who have been through the challenges we face during the process of recovery from nicotine addiction.

Here at About.com Smoking Cessation, readers can share  tips and stories about how they've successfully navigated their quit programs.

Reader Tips and Hints for Smoking Cessation

From how we manage  nicotine withdrawal to expressing the triumphs and milestones along the way, the advice offered is practical, inspirational, and always real.

More Reading:

Image © Stockxpert

Reader Tips and Hints for Smoking Cessation originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Monday, July 16th, 2012 at 07:03:19.

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The First Six Smoke-Free Months

2012-08-13 15:59:35

There is no better teacher than the voice of experience, and when it comes to quitting tobacco, members of the About.com Smoking Cessation forum have valuable insights to share. An important resource for the new quitter, their stories are full of practical tips about what works when we quit smoking and the benefits we might expect to enjoy.

The personal quit stories I've selected to share here focus on the first six months of smoking cessation. While the journey to quit smoking is a personal one, many of us face similar challenges early on. Learning how others have broken the chains that bound them to nicotine addiction  sets us up to overcome the issues we might encounter successfully.

Settle in and do some reading -- these real life success stories are sure to inspire, and if you're still smoking, motivate you to embark on your own journey to freedom from nicotine addiction.

Reader Contributions:

Image © Stockxpert

The First Six Smoke-Free Months originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Monday, August 13th, 2012 at 06:43:51.

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10 Things to Stop Doing When You Quit Smoking

2012-08-17 16:01:53

Many of us think that quitting smoking is a task that should only take a week or two to complete. While it's an appealing thought, the truth of the matter is that successful smoking cessation must involve a change of mindset and that takes time.

Let's take a look at some of the common misconceptions smokers have about the nature of addiction and the process of quitting tobacco that can set them up for failure.


Photo © Stockxpert

10 Things to Stop Doing When You Quit Smoking originally appeared on About.com Smoking Cessation on Friday, August 17th, 2012 at 06:25:25.

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